Here's a couple of pics taken on Queen Street. I find it amusing that Torontonians in a bid to not litter, removed the seal put on the public trash cans to prevent people from filling the cans the city knew were not going to be emptied, and filled the trash can. And the when the trash can was full, they placed it close to where they know it should go. " Look Mommy! I tried."

Why it didn't occur to any of these citizens that answer to their waste was to take a travel mug, bring a refillable water bottle, bring their own bag and take the garbage home with them. Oh well, Queen St is the only neighbourhood I've seen like this. Kensington, Yorkville, St. Lawrence, Chinatown are immaculate. I'm making a generalization here but it is predominately youth that populate Queen Street and they are at a stage of life too self-centered to contemplate what impact their grande skinny caramel machiatto frappaccino has to their fellow humans. Like all mothers say, " That mess isn't going to tidy itself. Clean your room!"
Labels: strike, toronto zoo, trash
Kids today! Get off my lawn!
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