I wasn't in the door 2 minutes when I greeted by the Gestapo, " You have to check your bag". The request did not surprise me. I've visited many galleries and museums around the world but the force used was uneccessary. I turned toward the coat check, put my coat in my backpack and handed it to the attendant.
"That's one dollar"
"Excuse me", I replied, "the sign says bags are free.".
" Your coat in bag. Coats one dollar". We repeated this argument until I gave up and slammed a toonie on the counter. You may think I was niggling over a paltry amount but how cheap is that for the museum to extract another dollar when it costs $22 Cdn for admission?! The coatcheck is free in Britain's National Gallery ( which is free) and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York ( which is pay-what-you-can).
When I calmed down and entered the lobby ( the former armories for those who remember the museum 2 renos ago) and was immediately baffled. There was no signage ( except to the two restaurants) nor galleries visible to lure you beyond the empty space. There was no natural flow between the galleries and often a long crooked journey. God forbid you should stumble into the Michael Lee Chin crystal. You are confronted with heavy industrial grey doors. I watched people turn away from them or open them with great trepidation as there was nothing to indicate whether you were heading into a display or private area. Once through the doors, its metal grate walkways that end abruptly into a corner and dizzyingly angled walls like being trapped in a German Expressionist film. Don't look to closely where the crystal's walls meet the original structure. It looks like a cheap slap-up job.
On to the next bone of contention-the cafeteria. An overpriced menu catering strictly to the family crowd. Burgers and fries, chicken fingers and fries, fries, poutine, pizza. Pricey pasta and packaged sandwiches was the only adult fare( I'm excluding the nasty looking soups). I opted for a grilled cheese sandwich for $4.50. Two slices of squishy white bread and processed cheese served on a paper plate. Add to it a coffee and a brownie for Frida and the bill came to $9.19. Jamie Oliver has demonstrated that you can serve healthy cafeteria food and economically. Look at the fantastic job the AGO has done and the food comes on china. The Food Shop was appalling and came off as nothing more than a money making scheme. A brief aside-Where did the drinking fountains go? They used to be outside of the washrooms ( which have not been upgraded) and now they are gone. Guess you have no choice but to buy bottled water. This leads to the next unpleasantry. I used the washroom off of the cafeteria, washed my hands and stuck them under the only hand dryer. I'm assaulted by the odor of hot fresh diapers. What fool designed a hand dryer with integrated garbage?
I spent some time speaking with a visiting museum curator about the new ROM and he said this:
" If you can't see the artifacts because of the building or display design, the museum is a failure".
That sums it up. The building and design overshadows what is a world class collection. Treasures I adored are lost in the midst of design concepts or still off-display. Wasn't the addition supposed to add gallery space not just be the architectural equivalent of a neon sign?
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