हैप्पी दौघ्तेर्स Day
I don't why this computer just ओउत्पुत my Happy Daughter's Day into देवनागरी। I arrived safely in Dehli at 0035 this morning. It was really, really humid and hot. Today has cooled down to 29c or what I would call a good August day in Toronto.
Strangely, I haven't felt overwhelmed like I thought I might but I also haven't left the neighbourhood। Right now I would compare it to Buenos Aires but without the street signs, lights and paved roads।
ता फॉर नो.
Strangely, I haven't felt overwhelmed like I thought I might but I also haven't left the neighbourhood। Right now I would compare it to Buenos Aires but without the street signs, lights and paved roads।
ता फॉर नो.